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Character Layout

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago


Home > Remapping > Character Layout


Dvorak Layouts

Two different layouts for the AG5 have been derived from the standard Dvorak layout. Both layouts retain the Dvorak home row for finger on the underside of the AG5 - AOEU on the left and SNTH on the right - however they differ in the placement of the other letters, and in general feel when the layout is used.

Dickenson Dvorak Layout

This layout keeps the punctuation and number keys unchanged from the standard AG5 layout. Both thumbs are used: the home key for the left thumb is I (the other vowel home row key on standard Dvorak), and the right thumb is space.


The positions of other keys were calculated using a computer optimisation designed to minimise inter-key timings based on actual keystroke timings. This has generally reproduced the flowing feel of the Dvorak layout without necessarily always assigning letters to the same fingers. C and V are coincidentally both on the same side which is handy for copy/paste.



xmodmap file: download http://alphagrip.pbwiki.com/f/dickenson_modmap


xkb file: download http://alphagrip.pbwiki.com/f/dickenson_ag5


AHK file: Not available

Didgers Dvorak Layout

This layout also maps a second complete row of the Dvorak layout onto the finger keys, and maps the four letters IYFD onto the single index finger keys. The bottom row of the standard Dvorak layout is mapped onto the AG5 thumb keys. This is as close as possible to the standard Dvorak layout (and therefore is easiest to learn if if you are familiar with Dvorak) however this does not necessarily mean it will feel the same.


To see Didgers complete script, go to http://mrdidgers.freewebpages.org/xkbnew.htm or our Didgers Dvorak Script page.



Home Page: http://mrdidgers.freewebpages.org/xkbnew.htm


xmodmap file: Not available


xkb file: download http://alphagrip.pbwiki.com/f/didgers_ag5


AHK file: Not available

Dvorak-Friendly Layout

From: Edmund Ng Date: Tues, Apr 11 2006 5:07 pm

After playing with Lee's config a little, I think I've come up with a more "Dvorak friendly" layout [for the finger keys] - at least written out on a diagram. I still need to figure out the .ahk config file to put it in practice.


As a rough diagram, I've only changed the letters - the symbols seem to make sense as is. [Bold letters are chorded]


_ I - - - - - - - D _

K - U - - - - H - M

_ X - - - - - - B _

_ Y - - - - - - F _

J - E - - - - T - W

_ P - - - - - - G _

Q - O - - - - N - V

_ R - - - - - - C _

L - A - - - - S - Z

Easiest Keys to Hit

AG-5 Home Row Keys

From: Mike Willner Date: Mon, Mar 20 2006 8:52 pm

I think the easiest letters to hit with your fingers are the t,n, and e,i, and s,o, and a,p, in that order; and with your thumbs the y, Ent, and l, space, in that order. It is not desirable to type most letters with the fingers of one hand. For speed typing I believe it is best to alternate between hands.

F and U Keys are Tough to Hit

From: Chris Williams Date: Wed, Mar 22 2006 5:19 am

The easiest keys are the pair of the four main thumb keys, and the inner row of keys on the down-side (TESANIOP.) After this would be the outer row of keys with the exception of the two top ones (FU) and the two pairs of keys straddling the TF and NU bars. After that would be the upper pair of thumb keys (JVXZ.) And last would be F and U. U is gummed up on my Grip, making it so that I have to work to get the character to go in. Annoying but not enough so to send back....


I don't know anything about Swedish, but the thing does seem to favor the left hand even in English. Though looking at my QWERTY board and comparing it to the rough letter frequency ETAOINSHRDLU, the left hand gets the three most common letters there as well. It may just be a matter that we're so used to it we don't notice till we actually look.

On Screen Display

From: Lars Krueger Date: Tues, Jul 18 2006 12:52 pm

Since I'm still learning where all the keys in all those shift layers are, I enhanced my script with an on-screen display of all the keys in the current shift level. Here's how it works:


  • The display changes to Red Shift functions when you press BkSpace or C
  • The display changes to Green Shift functions when you press Enter or Y
  • The display changes to navigation functions when you press Tab or K
  • Print Screen suspends the application but keeps the display on the screen. This is necessary if you need to generate any of the previously listed letters or functions.


The script works with XP only as it requires some features (transparency) that are not supported in earlier windows version. I run it on 1024x768 pixel resolution, but smaller screens will work, if you reduce the font size.


It should be possible to back-port it to Carl's script.


Any comments?


https://alphagrip.pbwiki.com/f/lars.exe is the script in an executable file.


http://www.alphagrips.com/lars.ahk is the script in an AutoHotkey file.



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