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Spanish Remap

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago


Home > Remapping > Remapping for Foreign Letters & Symbols > Spanish Remap


The Spanish Keyboard Remap is an executable program that allows the user to easily generate letters and punctuation commonly used in the Spanish language. You can toggle the program on and off by pressing the Print Screen key. Click here to see the entire Spanish Remap cheat sheet. Changes from the default configuration are explained below. The program was created with a free, open-source utility called AutoHotkey.

New Functions and Features

  • K and V have switched locations.
  • W and Y have switched locations.
  • á, é, í, ó & ú are generated by pressing the green shift key and the corresponding letter.
  • ä, ë, ï, ö, ü & ÿ are generated by pressing the red shift key and the corresponding letter.
  • ã, ñ & õ are generated by pressing the Escape key and the corresponding letter.
  • ¡ is generated by pressing the red shift key and T.
  • ! is generated by pressing the red shift key and F.
  • ¿ is generated by pressing the red shift key and N.


Some numbers and symbols are unavailable when the Spanish Remap is running. To generate those numbers and symbols, just toggle the program off by pressing the Print Screen key. Numbers and symbols unavailable when the Spanish Remap is running are: ], ), &, <, -, 9, 5, 6, 8, 4, 2, 3 and 1.

Creating Your Own Keyboard Remap

With AutoHotkey, you can change the mapping and functionality of almost any Windows computer keyboard. If you'd like to give it a try, go to http://www.AutoHotkey.com/download/ and download the program. Once installed, you can either start from scratch or use the Spanish.ini or Spanish.ahk file as a blueprint.


See the AutoHotkey site or the AlphaGrip Google Group for more information.

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